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Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is a security measure that comes with your service. 

DLP is one of the security features we have in place for you. It runs in the background, automatically, on all email addresses.

It scans every outgoing message to verify that social security numbers and credit card numbers are protected.

If it finds one of those numbers in an unprotected message, it will quarantine the message, notify the sender via email, and ask if they want to send that message with encryption, release it it as is, or delete it. Essentially, DLP it is a security backup to make sure email users do not accidentally send out a credit card number or social security number without protection. You may never notice it if your company does not send those particular types of numbers via email.


What to do if you receive a ***Data Loss Prevention Triggered*** email:

Step 1: Carefully Read the DLP Quarantine Notification Email

We have included an example example of a DLP Violation and Quarantine notification email, below.

A) This is why your message was quarantined
B) This is the credit card or social security number that triggered DLP
C) These are your three options for what to do with the message 
D) Simply click the link to select your option 



Step 2:  Select what to do with the quarantined message:

Click the button for one of the three options:

A) release encrypted
B) release as-is
C) delete

The message will eventually expire and delete automatically if you do not make a selection. Be sure to address DLP quarantine email notifications ASAP. Senders will receive these email notifications immediately after a violation takes place.





Step 3: You will see a confirmation message based on the action you selected.

In this example, we clicked the "delete" option.