Home > Email Support > Configuring office machines and third-party software to send email through our SMTP server

Configuring office machines and third-party software to send email through our SMTP server

This tutorial will help you determine the SMTP Server Settings for your third party device or software.

You may use our SMTP server, included with your email service plan, if your office device/software supports TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3 encryption.


Determine Your Mail Server Address

Step 1: Open a web browser on your computer and go to webmail.yourdomain.com (replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name)

For example, if your email address is bob@xyzhealth.com, you would type in webmail.xyzhealth.com

Do not use a search box (from Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) or include http:// or https:// when entering the URL into the browser's address bar.


Step 2: You will automatically be redirected to your mail server.

Your mail server address is the first portion of the URL.

In this example, the mail server address is: mail.enguard.com


Step 3: Please write down your mail server address, you will need it to complete the steps below.


Configuring your office device/third party-software

Locate SMTP settings on your device or software.

Server: enter your mail server address

You must be able to specify a port and encryption type:
465 (SSL)
25 (TLS) - Most ISPs block port 25
25 (No Encryption) - Use this as a last resort. No Patient Health Information should be sent over this port. Most ISPs block port 25.

You must use authentication (sign-in):
User name: your email address
Password: your password

The "sender" or "from" address MUST match the authenticated address you entered. It cannot be any other email address.


Please Note: Some devices/software do not support the security settings above. Devices that do not support those basic security settings cannot be used to send Patient Health Information (PHI) in a HIPAA compliant/secure manner, so we encourage you to update your system or use another method to transmit PHI. 

However, if you have an incompatible device or software and still want to use your EnGuard address to send emails, we offer an SMTP Relay service for $10 per month. The SMTP Relay service does not require the sender/from address to match the sign-in address. It also has non-secure ports that you can use if your device/software does not support TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3.

Please contact our support team to request the SMTP Relay service for your account. We will then send you the settings you can use for your software/device(s).