Home > Webmail Tutorials > Send Password Protected Encrypted Emails

Send Password Protected Encrypted Emails

This tutorial will show you how to send a password protected, encrypted email to any recipient outside of EnGuard's Secure Network.

This message encryption feature is designed to encrypt the message body of the email and attachments (up to 25MB), delivering your message to the recipient through our Secure Messaging System. This does not protect information in the subject line, so be sure to avoid adding any PHI to the subject line when using this tool. 

Per HIPAA Compliance, you are required to use this feature to send Patient Health Information (PHI) via email to a patient, no exceptions.

Emails exchanged between your internal users (within your domain name) and other EnGuard Customers are automatically encrypted and secure on our platform. There are no additional steps required, just use your email as normal.

Emails exchanged between other secure HIPAA Compliant Email Service Providers are automatically encrypted in-transit using Transport Layer Security 1.3 (TLS 1.3) and 256-bit encryption. TLS only secures data sent in clear text transmitted from point A to point B, it does not protect the data once it is delivered to the recipient. If you do not want PHI stored as clear text at the recipient's inbox, then you can use this tool to add an extra layer of security.

If you need to send a large file or any attachment securely, please use our Secure File Link feature. Secure File Link provides a simple and fast way to send a file (up to 2,000MB) to any recipient via email. It is possible to add a secure file link inside an encrypted email as well.


How to send a Password Protected Encrypted Email Message

Start a new message from any email application on your computer or mobile device. In this example, we will compose a new message from our Webmail.

On the subject line, type secure (not case-sensitive) as the first word, followed by your message subject. Type your message and send, that's it!

  • If the word secure is anywhere within the subject line, the message will be sent as a password protected, encrypted message through our secure messaging system.
  • The word "secure" will not be visible to your recipient, but they will see anything else you typed on the subject line.
  • Please be aware that subject lines are not encrypted. For best email practice in security and HIPAA compliance, do not add sensitive patient information to any email subject line.
  • Patient Health Information (PHI) can go in the message body, where it will be protected, and your subject line should simply offer a general idea of the message contents. For example, instead of "John's Therapy Appointment with Dr. Smith," make the subject "Your Appointment" and keep the details (name, nature of treatment, doctor) in the message body.


You will receive an email confirmation that the message was sent to the recipient, encrypted successfully.


Your recipient will receive an email notification that you sent them a secure message.

They will click on the link to open a secure web page to see the message.


The will enter any password they want to Login and see your message.

They will use that same password to open all future encrypted emails from you.


They are now logged into our Secure Messaging System where they can view your message and reply back to you securely.

They can also start a new message to send to you securely from here as well.


All replies or messages from the recipient sent from our Secure Messaging System will arrive in your Inbox as clear text.

If you reply again without typing secure, it will go straight to their inbox as clear text. Therefore you must type secure again, to keep the conversation secure.